Mission Statement
Ministry of Home affairs
Mission Statement
To ensure the maintenance of public order and safety throughout Guyana by formulating appropriate security policies that are responsive to the changing environment; overseeing the effective implementation of these policies by related Agencies and guaranteeing their execution as a result of appropriate resource allocations that include an emphasis on competent human capital as well as modern technology.

Hon. Minister Robeson Benn

Honorable Minister of The Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Robeson Benn overall heads the ministry and is responsible for the efficient management of MOHA.

Our Vision

The Ministry of Home Affairs is a highly competent and modern institution. We strive to contribute to a secure and prosperous Guyana through the elimination of threats to peace and the utilization of effective border management systems and accepted international security practices which ensures the preservation of the safety, rights and dignity of all citizens.
Community Vision Statement
As a result of the policies and programs of the Ministry of Home Affairs and its Agencies, citizens of Guyana feel a sense of confidence that self and property are protected; that they are living in a safe, orderly and peaceful environment and that justice is accessible and fairly dispensed throughout the land.
Strategic Goals
- Realigne and modernize the Ministry of Home Affairs organization structure for greater responsiveness.
- Establish the Ministry of Home Affairs as ‘A center of excellence in the public service’.
- Enhance the physical infrastructure of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- Deepen inter-organizational linkages for greater security sector cohesiveness and impact.
- Increase border surveillance and management for greater citizen security.
- Ensure citizen security through effective performance of subvention agencies.
- Reduce road fatalities through enhanced traffic management surveillance.
- Respect
- Integrity & Confidentiality
- Transparency & Accountability
- Proper Work Ethic
- Client Centered Approach
- Efficiency & Effectiveness
- Safety
- Teamwork
Roles and Responsibilities

The Ministry of Home Affairs traditionally has responsibility for internal security and immigration. This responsibility is discharged primarily through the Ministry as well as its five semiautonomous agencies, namely the Guyana Police Force, Guyana Prison Service, Guyana Fire Service, General Register Office and the Police Complaints Authority. Over, the years, the Ministry has seen a number of changes in terms of its functions, but the core responsibilities and service agencies, have remained intact. The Ministry is therefore responsible for formulating and evaluating public order and safety policies aimed at protecting and maintaining the ‘social fabric’ of the country. The organization chart provides a graphic representation of the Ministry, its responsibilities and areas of influence.
The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for the formulation and evaluation of national policy aimed at ensuring that the state offers a safe and secure environment for all people, thereby engendering a spirit of confidence in every individual that life and property is not threatened by neither internal nor external forces.

In addition to the oversight responsibilities of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry exerts influence over a myriad of security issues through its association with a number of multiagency sectoral committees and task forces. Included in this group of security focused bodies are(a) National Commission of Law and Order; (b) National Road Safety Council; (c) National Security Committee; (d) Council for National Security and Law Enforcement; (e) Security Policy Advisory Committee; (f) Policy Committee for Crime and Social Observatory; (g) House of Criminal and Civil Justice System; (h) Task force on Narcotics and Illicit Weapons; (i) Task force on the smuggling of Illicit Fuel and Contraband. The Ministry, through these forums, is able to contribute to security related solutions at the local, regional and international level.