Ministry of Home Affairs Conducts Awareness, Sensitization, and Training Outreach in Region 6 as Part of Education Month Activities
September 25, 2024 — In celebration of Education Month and as part of ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking in Guyana, the Ministry of Home Affairs, in collaboration with key agencies such as, the Director of Public Prosecutions Office, Guyana Fire Service, the Guyana Police Force and, the Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit, conducted a series of anti-Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and migrant smuggling awareness, sensitization, and training activities across Region 6 (Berbice) from September 18th to 20th, 2024.
The outreach targeted four secondary schools, the Cyril Potter College of Education (New Amsterdam and Rose Hall branches), and the Felix Austin Police College, Adventure, Berbice. Over 700 participants, including students, teachers, and police recruits, received valuable training and information on various critical topics. These included defining and understanding human trafficking, recognizing the eleven established forms of human trafficking under Guyana’s newly amended TIP legislation, and identifying indicators of human trafficking in both adults and children. The sessions also highlighted the services available to victims and explained the role of the Ministerial Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons.
Additional topics covered in the outreach included youth and gang violence, cybercrime, narcotic drug awareness, and fire safety. The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Fire Service supported the effort by educating participants on narcotics concealment methods, the effects of drug use, and fire safety and prevention techniques.
• Cyril Potter College of Education: 180 teachers-in-training at the New Amsterdam and Rose Hall campuses.
• Secondary Schools: Approximately 460 students and 25 teachers from Winifred Gaskin Secondary School, Manchester Secondary School, JC Chandisingh Secondary School, and Port Mourant Secondary School.
• Felix Austin Police College: 60 police recruits at the “B” Division, Adventure Berbice.
The Ministry of Home Affairs reiterates the importance of vigilance among participants and the general public, emphasizing that anyone can become a victim of human trafficking. Citizens are urged to remain aware of their surroundings in both personal and professional environments. If any suspicious activities related to human trafficking are observed, it is vital to report them, as that action may be the only hope of saving someone’s life or restoring their freedom.
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery, and we all have a role to play in stopping it. If you see something, say something.
To report suspicious activities, please contact the TIP Hotline at 227-4083, 623-5030, or 624-0079 for Spanish-speaking assistance.