Ministry of Home Affairs

Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Robeson Benn M.P. received a courtesy call from Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) and team

Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Robeson Benn M.P. on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, received a courtesy call from Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Mr. Paul Cheong and team.

The PSC team, which comprised Major Gen. (ret) Norman McLean, Vice Chairman, PSC Governance & Security Sub-Committee, Mr. Timothy Tucker, President, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI), Mr. Haimwant Persaud, Vice Chairman, Region 3 Chamber, Mr. Gavin Mohabir, Representative, Region 5 Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ryan Alexander, Vice Chairman PSC, Ian Chung, Executive Director, PSC, Onicka Jones, Public Relations Officer, PSC and Kit Nascimento, PSC Member & Communication Consultant, sought to get an understanding of matters on the forefront of the private sector.

The discussion was centered on areas for improvement in the security sector in relation to violent and criminal behaviour at protests, the smart city cameras programme, the issuance of firearms licenses, traffic management, media relations, and processing of work permits.

In addition to providing clarification on the issues and concerns raised, Mr. Benn reassured the PSC of the Ministry’s commitment to the ongoing strengthening of the security sector in order to create a peaceful Guyana.

The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Private Sector Commission of Guyana Limited expressed their mutual intent to further deepen and widen the scope of collaboration in the area of security in Guyana.

During the engagement, Minister Benn was joined by the Permanent Secretary Ms. Mae Toussaint Jr. Thomas.