Ministry of Home Affairs

Minister Benn visits Soya and Corn Farms in South Rupununi, Region Nine

Minister Benn visits Soya and Corn Farms in South Rupununi, Region Nine

On May 26, 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Hon. Robeson Benn, Chief Executive Officer of the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institution, Mr. Jagnarine Singh, Head of the Community Policing Group, Mr. Rishi Das, members of the Community Policing Group and a team from the Ministry of Home Affairs were given a tour of Iring Integrated Farm Inc. and Santa Fe Farm, in South Rupununi, Region nine.

Iring Integrated Farm Inc., which stretches some 24,000 acres and Santa Fe 10,000 acres, have completed over 10,000 acres of land preparation, procured fertilizers, seeds, and agro-equipment, and constructed irrigation canals. This large-scale production will positively impact CARICOM’s vision of reducing its food import bill by 25% by 2025.

With the onset of the expected cultivation and production magnitude, Guyana can be a net exporter of raw materials for animal feed production or finished feed products to the region.

During the tour, Minister Benn expressed that he was pleased with the progress of production as it strategically aligns with the Government’s efforts to drive investment in producing Soya and Corn for animal feed, which will directly reduce the cost of production of animal products.