The government’s groundbreaking ‘Fresh Start’ initiative is making a profound impact on youth rehabilitation, as demonstrated by the successful reintegration of a juvenile beneficiary who has completed their sentence. This significant milestone underscores the initiative’s commitment to reducing recidivism and promoting professional development. Conceived by Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Robeson Benn, the ‘Fresh Start’ program has played a pivotal role in offering occupational training and creating pathways to financial independence. At a simple ceremony at the Ministry’s Brickdam Office, the young individual, having successfully completed electrical installation courses, received an electrical installation toolkit from Hon. Robeson Benn, M.P., and Permanent Secretary Mr. Andre Ally. This toolkit is a valuable asset, empowering the youth to refine their skills and work towards self-sufficiency. Grateful for the support received from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the New Opportunity Corps (NOC), the beneficiary expressed heartfelt thanks, emphasizing the initiative’s role in offering second chances and empowering individuals for a promising future. The event was attended by Director of the Juvenile Justice Department Mrs. Jaon Ann Edghill-Stuart, Administrator (ag) of the NOC Mr. Shelton Daniels, and Instructor Mr. Charles Joseph.
Government’s ‘Fresh Start’ Initiative Empowers Youth’s Reintegration