Ministry of Home Affairs

The National Community Policing Group received fifteen bicycles courtesy of Mr. Radu-Bogdan Cristea, General Manager of Carnival Casino

The Honourable Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Robeson Benn, on Wednesday August 23, 2023, received fifteen (15) bicycles for the National Community Policing Group (CPG), courtesy of Mr. Radu-Bogdan Cristea, the General Manager of Carnival Casino.

The small handing-over ceremony was done in the Ministry of Home Affairs compound.

The bicycles represent a significant contribution towards promoting sustainable transportation and improving accessibility for the CPG members in Lethem, Moruca and Georgetown.

Minister Benn extended gratitude to Mr. Cristea for the generous donation.

Head of the CPG, Mr. Reshi Das and Region 4 Liaison Officer, Mr. Phillip Ishmeal, were also present.