Ministry of Home Affairs

The National Community Policing Group (CPG) Executive Biennial Meeting/ Election

Hon. Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, M.P., attended the National Community Policing Group (CPG) Executive Biennial Meeting/ Election, which was held at the Leonora Secondary School, W.C.D.

The meeting gave a recap of previous executive meetings and highlighted the successes and challenges faced by the various CPG countrywide.

At the end of the meeting, the old body will be dissolved and a new executive body will be elected. The new executives will serve the CPG for the next two (2) years.

Representatives from the three hundred and eighty-seven (387) CPG, which are spread access the ten administrative regions casted their votes to elect the new body, which will consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Public Relations Officer and six (6) Committee Members. This body has the responsibility to guide and supervise the CPG countrywide.

Head of the National Community Policing Group (CPG), Mr. Reshi Das, liaison officers, along with members from each CPG was in attendance.